


国际 Admissions and Immigration Advisor in the Admissions Office is your 与美国的主要联络.S. 美国公民及移民服务局,简称USCIS. The International Admissions and Immigration Advisor is well informed about USCIS regulations 并可以就如何正确遵守USCIS程序向您提供建议. 重要的是 在移民问题上不要依赖朋友的建议. Situations often vary, so it is advisable that you contact the International Admissions and Immigration Advisor, or an immigration attorney on all matters that might affect your visa status.


To remain in good standing with USCIS, consult with the International Admissions and Immigration Advisor BEFORE you do anything that might jeopardize your right to remain in the U.S., BEFORE you begin a new degree objective, change of major, change marital status, sponsors, transfer schools, leave the United States (even to Tijuana), or 找到工作.




  1. Maintain the validity of your passport for a minimum of six months at all times. The 贵国驻美国领事馆或大使馆.S. will renew it.
  2. All international students have to report any change in address, phone number, email 地址、专业变更或其他重要信息




    to the International Student Admissions Office through a form called "Change of Address/SEVIS Update" form. 根据法律规定,库亚玛卡学院必须掌握所有学生的最新信息 international students at all times and need to report any changes in SEVIS.

Failure to maintain your 非移民签证身份 can result in serious immigration problems which could ultimately lead to deportation from the United States. 国际 Admissions and Immigration Advisor has additional information if you wish to discuss 非移民签证身份.




All F-1 students have to be enrolled in and complete at least 12 units per semester (春季和秋季),必须在SEVIS中报告.


No more than the equivalent of one class or three credits per semester may be counted toward the full course of study requirement if the class is taken on line or through 远程教育设施.


There are only a few legitimate reasons to be enrolled in less than 12 units. Reduced 课程负荷总是需要






A student who drops below a full course of study without the 事先批准 will be 被认为地位低下.


咨询预约和完整的请愿书是必需的! 点击这里打印请愿书


Students who wish to change their major during their studies 在立博 need


事先批准! 咨询预约和请愿书是必需的! 点击这里打印请愿书.

The student also needs to submit the following paper work together with the petition:



是需要请愿的. 点击这里打印请愿书.






一门带薪的工作经验课程可以计入你的学位吗. 事先批准




需要工作经验. 点击这里打印请愿书.




Optional practical training is available for students enrolled in many of the majors offered 在立博; some majors are excluded. 完成后OPT必须 被申请




到完成学位的最后一个学期结束为止. OPT适用于 up to a total of 12 months and if taken after graduation it has to be completed within 在学校最后一天之后的14个月. 欲了解更多详细要求,请联系 凡妮莎特.


咨询预约和完整的请愿书是必需的! 点击这里打印请愿书.


International students can apply for a social security number only if they are approved for work. 社会保障局不接受其他理由. A letter 必须由国际学生招生办公室出具.




Students who are eligible for graduation must apply for graduation and petition prior 直到最后一个学期结束. 申请毕业可以在招生办办 及纪录处. 提交毕业申请的截止日期列在 课程表.




are required! 点击这里打印请愿书.


Deadlines to submit application for graduation are listed in the 课程表s 每学期.


A petition must be completed with the international student counselor prior to the 他们在库亚玛卡学院的最后一个学期即将结束. 此外,一个学生谁决定 转学必须提供原件




在60天的“宽限期”结束前从意向学校收到." 点击这里打印请愿书.


Any F-1 student who is maintaining status and making normal progress toward completion of his/her educational objective, but who is unable to complete the course of studies by the program end date on form I-20, must apply for a program extension


在I-20上规定的截止日期之前. 咨询预约和填妥的请愿书 are required! 点击这里打印请愿书.


IN ADDITION, a student who decides to transfer to another institution must provide an original




for the prospective school before the end of the 60-day grace period to the International 招生和移民顾问将在SEVIS中适当转移.



  • A




    period for those who have completed their course of study and any authorized practical training and

  • A




    period for those who terminate their course of study before it is complete



Students who terminate their course of studies without 事先批准 or otherwise 状态维护失败




Students who need to renew their F-1 student visa during their studies need to petition at least 2 months before they are leaving the USA to visit their home country where they can renew their visa by making an advanced appointment with the US Embassy/Consulate 在他们的祖国进行签证面试. 他们需要一封国际信函 学生招生和移民顾问的面试. 填妥的请愿书 is required! 点击这里打印请愿书.

The student also needs to submit the following documents together with the petition:


Medical care in the United States is extremely expensive because the system is privately based. 费用累积的速度可能是惊人的. 治疗费用: 一个简单的手腕骨折的诊所可能会超过800美元,但可能会花费更多. 医学治疗 在美国都很贵吗. 作为“F-1”签证的学生,你不符合资格 for any federal or state welfare assistance, and if you are uninsured, you are held 负责支付你所有的医疗费用.

As a consequence, 立博 STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that ALL 国际学生 maintain valid health insurance coverage during their entire stay in the United States. You will be asked for proof of insurance after you arrive in the United States. The 学生保险代理公司


网站提供有关国际学生保险的信息. 只要点击“国际” “计划”,然后从地图上的加利福尼亚州开始.



International students are not allowed to take classes at another college for the 他们学习的前两个学期. 继续学习的学生只允许参加 classes that are counted towards the full course of study requirement at another college if the needed classes are not offered 在立博 or if there are schedule conflicts. Students are encouraged to take all courses 在立博 however, 例外情况是有限的.


填妥的呈请书! 点击这里打印请愿书. 


On campus work (20 hours/week during the semester and 40 hours/week during school breaks) can 被申请 by petition after successful completion of at least 2 semesters 在立博. 请愿书要求事先批准! 点击这里打印请愿书.
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